Find similar sound effects
Click on the title of the sound effect and get to the track's own page, where you can find all similar sounding sound effects, and share the sound effect.

Struggling to find that perfect sound effect? Perhaps you've found one that sounds like the one you're after, but not exactly?
Sound effects. We all need them to make our content come to life. If something's falling a bit flat, the right sound effects can make it pop. Sound effects give you a bit more freedom when editing to do what you want, and this update makes it easier and quicker to find the perfect one.
We're introducing 'Find Similar' for sound effects. This means you'll be able to click on the title of the sound effect and get to the track's own page, where you can find all similar sounding sound effects.

From the sound effect's track page, you'll also be able to share the sound effect. You do this by clicking the 'Share' button and having the sound effect copied to your clipboard, then pasting it into wherever you want to share it.

Sound effects might be easy to forget but crucial to make your content come to life. If you want to know more about sound effects, read this article, where filmmaker Ben Hess explains how he works with sound effects and why they shouldn't be overlooked.