New TikTok trends 2025: Your guide to the platform’s predictions

What are the new TikTok trends in 2025? Let’s dive into what the platform thinks are the most crucial points for businesses, creators, and more.

TikTok trends like cat videos and Squid Game

TikTok went through a substantial period of change and growth last year, but what does 2025 look like? Let’s dig into the hottest TikTok trends.

There are tons of topics we could discuss today, but why not focus on the areas TikTok themselves think will pop off? Let’s take a look at what the platform has highlighted, based on their extensive What’s Next 2025 Trend Report.

We’ll cover:

  1. More creators will cover more niches
  2. Candid content will build trust
  3. Brands will “be there” for people
  4. Niche points of view will blow up
  5. Female inclusivity will empower brands and users
  6. Life-stage goals are old news
  7. AI will help spark brands’ creative impulses
  8. Brands will find new ways to express themselves with ads
  9. The comments section is the place to be

1. More creators will cover more niches

Content creators and brands have a more stable relationship nowadays. According to Influencer Marketing Hub’s research, over 80% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is a worthwhile strategy. Couple that with the fact that two in three TikTokers love seeing brands partner with a range of creators, and you’ve got near-endless opportunities for influencer-led content. 

2025 could be the year that brands integrate content creators more directly into their marketing strategies and budgets. Methods like affiliate marketing and custom offers become more appealing and “sellable” when attached to a relevant, likable influencer, regardless of their size. Mega-, macro-, micro-, and nano-influencers all bring something to the table here, solidifying a brand’s credibility across multiple verticals and niches. 

Woman using her phone

2. Candid content will build trust

Trust. Belonging. Community. They’re more than buzzwords — in 2025, a reliable brand is a successful brand. TikTok’s intimate, close-to-consumer interface makes it the perfect playground, helping brands show audiences why they’re worth supporting.

Behind-the-scenes content, vox-pop interviews, and addressing customer feedback are all solid techniques to establish trust between a brand or creator and the customer. Four in ten TikTok users feel that brands who showcase their personality through content are more relevant, so there’s still a way to go before “Candid content = Complete trust”. But it’s a start. 

3. Brands will “be there” for people

TikTok users understand that brands are there to sell them stuff…but that doesn’t mean they’re not willing to be swayed. Just under half (45%) of social media/video platform users say that a brand becomes relevant to them once it shows that it understands their needs. That still leaves a huge chunk of unconvinced users for brands to target.

Two people taking a selfie in the park

Brands and professional content creators who create softer, “there-for-you” videos will reap year-round rewards on TikTok. Tapping into real emotions and listening to the community will lend brands the authenticity to succeed on the platform, as long as they mean it. 

4. Niche points of view will blow up

Part of what makes this platform so fun is the deep-dive, niche content the TikTok algorithm serves up. Four in five (81%) social media users say that TikTok helped them unearth new topics and trends they didn’t even know existed — not bad for just one app. 

In 2025, brands and content creators can use these niche, underrepresented points of view to connect with untapped audiences. Who’s to say that a mineral-water brand can’t connect with cat-lovers, or that a CMS company can’t inspire the next generation of vegan startups? TikTok opens up the world and connects creators with customers, breaking free of the traditional, marketer-built model. 

Cat with sunglasses on

5. Female inclusivity will empower brands and users

Being a woman isn’t one thing. In the past, brands and content creators approached female audiences in a fairly one-dimensional manner — soft colors, old-school makeup, maybe a little girl-bossing here and there. Now, the conversation covers everything from the gender pay gap to hairstyle tips, game development to Women in STEM.

It’s 2025 — brands should embrace female inclusivity. If not to avoid looking like complete dinosaurs, then to appeal to the 72% of women on TikTok who feel it’s easy for new communities to connect over shared life experiences. Intersectional, well-built content will drive loyalty across female viewerships, and said viewerships’ allies, too. 

6. Life-stage goals are old news

Marriage, kids, owning property — those goals aren’t shared by everyone anymore. They never truly were, but they’ve long been seen as things you “should” do. In 2025, though? It’s anyone’s game.

Student debt, the rising cost of living, and a harsh reset of young people’s values mean that these life-stage milestones don’t carry the weight they once did. For that reason, creators and brands are more focused on users’ personal goals. 

Influencer checking her TikTok

Half of social media/video platform users feel that culturally relevant content showcases the authentic lifestyles of people like them. Half. That leaves the space wide open for professional creators and brands to craft thoughtful, smaller-scale content that’s not just focused on paying off a mortgage and buying a dog. Think “visit this place”, “eat this food”, “do this thing” — life-stage goals are old news. 

7. AI will help spark brands’ creative impulses

Artificial intelligence was a terrifying idea back in the eighties, given the only real frame of reference was The Terminator. Nowadays, AI is a tool that can improve brands’ and creators’ work. 

Brands leverage AI tools to create tailored customer journeys in-app, and they’re being transparent about it. Compared to users on other social media platforms, TikTokers are more likely to want to see generative AI used in ads — they’re familiar with it now. 

At Epidemic Sound, we believe that AI tools can be used to safely address genuine user needs, across TikTok and beyond. We offer a range of AI-powered features, including segmentation, sound-matching capabilities, and more.

We also recognize that human creativity will always transcend technology. That’s why our tools are built to supercharge our users’ creative zest, rather than replace it. If you’d like to learn more about our commitment to artists and content creators in the AI paradigm, click here. 

Two hands joining together

8. Brands will find new ways to express themselves with ads

Traditional advertising methods and life cycles still have their place, but brands need to keep pace with consumer demand. More than three-quarters (76%) of TikTok users like seeing a mashup of video and image ads, giving businesses the mandate to experiment with newer formats like Image Ads. 

Remixing content and zoning in on what potential customers actually want could help brands keep costs down and increase conversions. Even if a brand’s primary goal is lead generation, versioning the ad content keeps it fresh and lowers the chance of audience fatigue. 

9. The comments section is the place to be

“Don’t read the comments.” “The comments section is a dumpster fire.” You’ve heard it all before, and we understand why you might be cynical — the comments section is often where the most unpleasant feedback lives. But in 2025, it could just be the ticket to customers’ hearts. 

Nearly seven in ten (68%) users feel that brands should use the comments section to better understand their customers. Because, at the end of the day, all customer feedback is valuable customer feedback, whether it’s delivered verbally, in an email, in a focus group, or in the comments. 

Man hosting a video podcast

This real-time, unfiltered dialogue could save brands money on additional focus groups, helping them push out shiny, updated content and products at a faster rate. Plus, looping back to a few of the previous trends, doing this successfully ties brand and customer together. The former has improved their offering, while the latter feels they’ve been trusted and heard. 

So, those were the latest TikTok trends for 2025, as researched and suggested by the people behind the platform. We’ll have to wait until December to see just how right these predictions are, but whatever happens, it’s not going to be boring. 

And while we’re on the topic…you know what else should never be boring? The music in your videos. After all, the soundtrack can make or break your content — why let one needle-drop derail your entire project?

Epidemic Sound’s catalog is high-quality, affordable, safe, and available to use on TikTok and beyond. Our subscriptions go beyond royalty-free music, removing the headache of licensing and freeing you up to do what you do best.

You can enjoy the safety of our license hand-in-hand with our massive catalog of 50,000 tracks, covering just about every genre you can think of. You’ll also gain unlimited access to our advanced search functions — finding the right sound’s never been easier.

It’s better than royalty-free. It’s worry-free. Get started with Epidemic Sound below.

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