La community di Epidemic Sound è una rete globale di persone creative che si occupano di musica, narrazione e collaborazione. Alla base c'è il programma per la comunità che offre premi esclusivi, sconti sull'abbonamento e molto altro.
Quando ti abboni a Epidemic Sound, puoi ottenere sconti e premi esclusivi condividendo con amicizie e follower il tuo link di referenza personale. Per ogni nuova persona che sottoscrive un piano a pagamento grazie a te, ricevi un mese gratis di abbonamento al piano personale o uno sconto sul piano commerciale.
Se tramite il tuo link di referenza personale ci presenti 12 nuovi utenti paganti, puoi diventare ambasciatore o ambasciatrice. I vantaggi? Abbonamento gratis, suddivisione dei proventi al 50% per ogni nuovo utente e opere creative retribuite.
Gli ambasciatori e le ambasciatrici selezionati saranno invitati a diventare ambasciatori e ambasciatrici del marchio e potranno usufruire di ulteriori vantaggi pensati su misura per le loro esigenze creative, partecipare a campagne globali e, infine, far crescere il loro pubblico.
Ottieni il tuo link di referenza personale e condividilo nelle descrizioni dei video, nei messaggi diretti o dove preferisci.
Il tuo link di referenza personale offre al tuo gruppo di amicizie e ai tuoi follower una prova gratuita, dopo la quale diventano abbonati e abbonate paganti.
Per ogni nuovo abbonato o nuova abbonata pagante che riesci a coinvolgere, ricevi un mese gratis per il piano personale oppure uno sconto per il piano commerciale.
Se tramite il tuo link ci presenti 12 nuovi abbonati o abbonate paganti, puoi diventare ambasciatore o ambasciatrice. Guadagnerai compensi in denaro per ciascun utente aggiuntivo che sottoscrive un abbonamento e riceverai opportunità creative retribuite.
For every new paying subscriber you bring in, you’ll earn a free month on the Personal plan.
The Epidemic Sound Community Program is a music affiliate program that connects creators worldwide. At its heart is our unique loyalty program that empowers you creatively and commercially — while rewarding you for doing so. When you subscribe to Epidemic Sound, you can join the Community Program and get access to exclusive discounts, rewards and exciting collaboration opportunities by sharing your referral link with your friends and audience. We’ve designed The Epidemic Sound Community Program to be inclusive, diverse and for everyone. We believe that creators should be able to thrive no matter where they come from or how big of a following they have.
The Community Program is in its core an affiliate program and has three levels, Referrer, Ambassador and Brand Ambassador.
Referrer Any creator with an Epidemic Sound subscription can be a Referrer and earn subscription discounts for every new paying subscriber.
As a Referrer you can now share your unique referral link through a playlist. Your audience can listen to your favorite music and sign up in one easy step. Simply navigate to the Community Dashboard, select the playlist you'd like to use and generate a new sharing link with the selected playlist.
Ambassador If a you refer several new paying subscribers, you can become an Ambassadors and get a free subscription and cash payout for every new paying subscriber.
Brand Ambassador Selected high-performing Ambassadors will be invited to become Brand Ambassadors. These creators get to take part in Epidemic Sound collaborations and other exclusive benefits. They will be invited to collaborate closely with us on creatively boundary-pushing and globally distributed campaigns and paid opportunities. They will be the faces of the Epidemic Sound brand and have their own dedicated point of contact.
If you refer several new paying subscribers, you can become an Ambassador and get a free subscription. As an Ambassador we have a 50/50 revenue share with you, there's no cap to what you can earn, meaning the sky's the limit! In addition to monetization and being part of our community, we'll give you creative freedom to promote us in whatever way benefits you and fits your channel. You'll decide on the level of engagement depending on what works best for your friends and audience. Some add the link in their YouTube video description or Instagram bio, while others talk about us in their videos or make dedicated content about using our music.
Not only do you benefit from the Community Program, we have clear and unique selling points that your audience will appreciate. Here are some examples!
Check your referrer status in your account and press “Level up” if you are eligible to the Ambassador level. To onboard as an Ambassador you need to go to the Community Space to sign the Terms & Conditions and to add your payment information. Remember that you need to be an independent contractor or operate under a registered company, either on your own or through representation to level up.
Selected high-performing Ambassadors will be invited to become Brand Ambassadors. These creators get to take part in Epidemic Sound collaborations and other exclusive benefits. They will be invited to collaborate closely with us on creatively boundary-pushing and globally distributed campaigns and paid opportunities. They will be the faces of the Epidemic Sound brand and have their own dedicated point of contact.