
Hip hop music

Hip hop is a rhythmic music genre that incorporates rapping, beats, basslines, scratching or beatboxing. Discover our high-quality, diverse and royalty-free catalog of hip hop tracks. Filter by mood, vocals, length or BPM to find the perfect fit for your video project. Always protected against copyright claims with a subscription. Start a 30-day free trial today!

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  • Where do I find royalty-free and copyright-free hip hop music?

    Right here at Epidemic Sound! Get access to loads of hip hop tracks, free from copyright claims. Best part? They’re free to use for all subscribers. Browse around in our catalog, we have over 40,000 tracks. Choose your tracks and use them freely in projects and social media platforms.

  • What’s the difference between hip hop music with no copyright and royalty-free hip-hop?

    Copyright gives an individual property right over what they created while a royalty is a payment that is made every time copyrighted material is used. Sounds like an uphill battle? Well, we agree. With a subscription to Epidemic Sound, there is no need to worry about any of that. Everything in our catalog is free to use on all major social media platforms – without risking any copyright claims.

  • Download hip hop background music

    Do you need hip hop background music for your creative projects or maybe some lounge music? Use our advanced filters to find your perfect track. Choose by mood, genre, length or BPM. Our catalog has something for everyone.

    Why don’t have a listen yourself? …And when you find the right track, get started to soundtrack your content!